The most dangerous period of this build will be levels 1-20 when your defensive procs and debuffs are not quite frequent enough to garantee good survivability. This build is not for people who prefer to use alot of abilities as many of your skill points will be invested into passive aggressive and defensive skills. This build is based around Flame Hammer being your go to ability for AoE trash killing, Boss Kiting, and just on call big damage. Hi all this a quick rundown a build that, though simple, has been highly effective for me in veteran and elite and I am planning to take it into hardcore mode pretty soon. To be honest, if you kill things fast, you might even get one every 30 seconds.Torchlight 2 Engineer 2H Flame Hammer Build Guide by APaperbackHero
Torchlight ii engineer builds full#
Wait for Charge Domination or a full charge to release it.
Torchlight ii engineer builds how to#
How to play Forcefield - at this point, don't cast it when you have no charge (5-10 level later it will change no worries, but right now it won't do much). Plus, if you use it against a pack of enemies you will build charges quite fast.

1 point in supercharge (extra charges), coup de grace (extra damage to stunned foes, very practical for taking out normal enemies faster), 1 in charge domination (the chance is small, but there are so many foes on screen that you will get a full charge more often than what you would expect, for just 1 skill point), 1 in sword and board (20% of shield armor added to your weapon damage -> if you wear a fast weapon it will helps you a lot in your DPS), and 1 point in shield bash that you can use to knockback champions around or moving the foes away from your mate, as well as stunning them. I basically dropped Bulwark completely - later on it can be useful, but early on 2% per skill point ain't gonna do much. Then you drop off Spider Mines completely, to reallocate the points If you want to still be able to block a lot, you can do a +2 str / +1 dxt / +2 vit per level perhaps. If you want to deal more damage (your slvl 1 Flame Hammer is more than enough :) ), you need to invest in strength. It's a bit conflicting to want to do both. As a tank you want to actually go to the heat of the battle and take out whoever is the most threat, as well as protecting your teammates in the process. As a summoner you want to keep yourself safe while you let the minions do the work - and it's a great build for soloing HC for that reason. The engineer has a lot of abilities allowing you to increase a lot your survivability as well as your teammates, but if you focus only on that, you will miss on the one important part of being a tank, which is be able to take out the actual threats fast so that you as well as your mates get to live.Īctually I think being a tank and a summoner doesn't go well. Yes, you take reduced damage here and there (either through blocking, forcefield or bulwark), but you take a damn lot of these damages, so you can't keep up.
There is a proverb that says "the best defense is a good offense", and this is very true in Torchlight 2 - if you kill the mob before he even has the chance to deal damage to you, then it's that much damage prevented! That's why going like you do (everything in pure defense) is not a good idea in my opinion. Your build right now is oriented 100% towards your own survivability, but you are clearly not dealing enough damage to be of any help - if some ranged mob starts targetting your damage dealer glass cannon friend, there is nothing you can do to stop it.Īnd as you experienced, even this is not enough in terms of your own survivability.